
Sale Price:$55.00 Original Price:$60.00

Tiger Worms in thriving humus and castings (800g)
Perfect for Starting or Boosting your home worm farm!

Also contains lots of smaller juvenile worms, cocoons (which contain around 15 eggs each), as well as bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes.

Get $20 off
Enter the promo code "SUBSIDY" to use your Nelson or Tasman Council Subsidy!

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Tiger Worms in thriving humus and castings (800g)
Perfect for Starting or Boosting your home worm farm!

Also contains lots of smaller juvenile worms, cocoons (which contain around 15 eggs each), as well as bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes.

Get $20 off
Enter the promo code "SUBSIDY" to use your Nelson or Tasman Council Subsidy!

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Compost Extract Kit
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Compost T'Shirt 2024
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Worm Juice (350ml)
Worm Juice (350ml)
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Super EM (350ml)
Sale Price:$15.00 Original Price:$20.00

Tiger Worms in thriving humus and castings (800g)
Perfect for Starting or Boosting your home worm farm!

Also contains lots of smaller juvenile worms, cocoons (which contain around 15 eggs each), as well as bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes.

Get $20 off
Enter the promo code "SUBSIDY" to use your Nelson or Tasman Council Subsidy!

How it works:

Your premium pack of worms includes at least 250g of Eisenia Fetida worms, and also contains smaller juvenile worms, cocoons (which contain around 15 eggs each), as well as bacteria, fungi, protozoa and nematodes, which are all necessary to kick start your thriving worm farm. The total package will weigh roughly 800g so that the worms can be happy in their parcel for up to one week. Each batch of worms will be sent with instructions on how to get started.

By having your worm farm, you will be able to recycle the nutrients of your kitchen waste, and turn it into beautiful vermicastings to fertilize your garden.
